Bare ® Air-free, a healthier alternative to baby bottles, is designed to reduce severe gas, spit-up, daytime fuss, midnight colic, GER, GERS & diagnosed GERD. For babies 0-18 months.
bare® benefits
true air-free milk
Helps prevent gas build-up:
Air-plug® technology defeats air-ingestion.

upright feeding

Ends spit-ups:
Air-plug® moves with suction to feed against gravity & in a vertical, upright position.
flow & pace control
Discourages over-feeding behaviors:
Babies control the flow and pace of feeding with suction, like breastfeeding.

Perfe-latch® nipple

Viral video with more than 29 million views posted by CNBC
bare® mission
We’re on a mission to help 1,000,000 babies!
Bare® Air-free has already helped tens of thousands of babies get rid of reflux symptoms. Moms love it, Pediatricians recommend it, it’s backed by science, and published in major news outlets.
Bare® Air-free with Perfe-latch® nipples helps supplement, reinstate and extend the breastfeeding relationship.
Dare to go Bare®! and forget the midnight colic episodes, daily hours-long inconsolable crying, projectile vomit, multiple —and expensive!!— formulas, drops, and Rx drugs that don’t work.
bare® science
122 infants 0-18 months with symptoms of GER* changed their baby bottle to Bare® Air-free, and fed the same contents as before. After 2 weeks:
75% of babies no longer met the criteria for GER*.
*Gastroesophageal Reflux
dr. approved
bare® story

Founder & CEO of Bittylab
Mom-inventor of Bare® Air-free feeding system
After all the hard work to get my baby to breastfeed, I was crushed to learn that I had to supplement my feedings due to a low-milk supply. Bottle-feeding turned my baby into a crying machine for endless days and nights. The lack of available solutions added feelings of maternal failure to the ongoing sleep-deprivation, headaches, pain from c-section, and exhaustion. All I wanted to do was to stop his pain, so I rolled up my sleeves and began. After months of research, I learned that air in the baby bottles causes gas, which leads to colic and exacerbates GER (gastroesophageal reflux). Statistics show that 2 out of 3 babies experience the painful symptoms of GER. So, I worked at my kitchen table to design a solution that eliminates GER in infants.
After years of working with engineers, moms, and doctors, I’m thrilled to share that Bare® Air-free is clinically proven to reduce GER, has helped tens of thousands of babies overcome the painful symptoms, made the headline news on many local and national outlets, and is recommended by pediatricians. I’m now on a mission to help parents raise their babies in a GER-free world.