Bare® Air-free

Breastfeeding tips

As a mum who breastfed 2 babies, I can give you a few breastfeeding tips on what to do when you face a problem. Before you choose to breastfeed or formula feed, please educate yourself about the unmatched benefits of breastfeeding (for you and your baby). In my opinion, supplemental feeding should be introduced only if absolutely necessary. Nowadays there are many support groups, free advice, webinars, and breastfeeding tools that can help you initiate and continue to breastfeed. By breastfeeding, you’re giving your newborn an excellent start in life and helping your body to heal after giving birth. As a bonus, you get numerous health benefits for both mum and baby.  While breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world, it doesn’t always come easy, especially in the beginning. Let’s look at a few common problems you may face.

Breastfeeding tips to prevent issues

  1. Pain: Pain during breastfeeding could mean a bad latch or tongue tie.  Have your baby’s latch checked by a professional as soon as possible to rule this out. Try not to stop if you can bare a little pain. If the pain cannot be tolerated, pump so you can feed your baby your breastmilk. Use a bottle with a nipple that promotes a breastfeeding latch and stimulate baby to start suction.
  2. Engorgement: Engorgement is very common in the first six weeks and usually settles down once your supply is established. It can be relieved by feeding or expressing (pump or hand).
  3. Feeding on demand: Many mums think if their baby feeds very often it means their milk is not enough.  It’s more likely baby is suckling to increase your supply ready for a growth spurt. If feeding on demand doesn’t work for you, read about breastfeeding on a schedule. This can help you continue breastfeeding while you go on with your busy life.
  4. Medication: If you’re sick and take prescription medication, ask your doctor if you should continue or temporarily stop breastfeeding. While you can’t avoid getting sick, you can plan on storing milk in the event that can’t breastfeed.

Breastfeeding alternatives

Supplementing breastfeeding for any of the above scenarios is very important. Bare® Air-free feeding system is designed to help mums feed their babies without causing nipple confusion or gas and colic. Bare’s Perfe-latch® nipple supports breastfeeding by promoting a (wide) latch, and by extending & dispensing upon suction only. Bare’s unique syringe-like/anti-colic technology feeds baby Air-free milk while in an upright position. Pediatricians recommend an upright feeding position to help prevent even the most severe gas & colic.

If you have any worries, I’d recommend seeking help (see links above). Find your local lactation consultant, midwife, or health visitor.  While building your supply, it’s vital to address issues to ensure a successful breastfeeding relationship.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

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